Events Overview


Conservation Questionnaire

This questionnaire is an integral part of the “Himalayan Run & Trek” because it places responsibility on the tour operator and participants to work together to make a positive impact on the areas visited. The best organization and intentions can be quickly countered by one or two irresponsible individuals. After the trip but before leaving India you will be asked to complete this questionnaire. Copies of each questionnaire will be distributed to officials in India and other locations around the world as a way to monitor the development of adventure tourism on the Darjeeling area. We ask that everyone complete this questionnaire.

  1. Background Information (please circle)
    1. What is your sex? a) male b) female
    2. What is your age? a) 20-29 b) 30-39 c) 40-49 d) 50-59 e) over 60
    3. Marital status? a) married b) single c) divorced d) widowed
    4. Number of children? a) none b) one c) two d) three e) more than 3
    5. Approximate annual income in US Dollars? a) 0-15,000 b) 15,000-30,000 c) 30,000-45,000 d) 45,000-60,000 e) 60,000-100,000 f) over 100,000
    6. Present residence? a) eastern USA b) central/midwest USA c) south/sw USA d) western USA e) Europe f) Asia g) other
  2. Trip information (please rank the following on a scale of one to five. 1 (very poor/strongly disagree, (2) poor/disagree, (3) satisfactory/neutral, (4) good/agree, (5) excellent/strongly agree, (NA) not applicable)
    1. This trip has enriched my appreciation of nature, conservation and high mountain environments.
    2. As a result of the trip, I am more willing to become involved in political issues concerning the “preservation” or development of the global natural environment.
    3. The Tour Operator did an exceptional job in following the Guidelines for achieving sustainable tourism. If 1 or 2 marked, please indicate areas where improvement should be made._________________________________________
    4. I developed several strong preferences to products made in India. If yes, please list products: _________________________
    5. The cooking methods on the trip seemed efficient and the use of wood was minimal.
    6. I would be willing to pay US$100. per year to ensure that the eastern Himalayan environment could be preserved as is with minimal environmental change (you will not be solicited for donations if you agree).
    7. I do not feel the existing local economic, primarily agricultural, institutions are capable of sustaining the local environment without foreign aid or “development” programs.
    8. I do not feel the local social and cultural institutions are capable of sustaining the local environment without foreign aid or “development” programs.
    9. Deforestation appears to be a considerable problem in the Darjeeling area.
    10. Soil erosion appears to be a considerable problem in the Darjeeling area.
    11. Mass movements, for example landslides, appear to be a problem.
    12. Population pressure appears to be a significant factor in contributing to environmental pressures.
    13. Population pressure appears to be hindering economic development.
    14. Waste was “adequately” disposed of during the trip. Garbage was not left on trails or roads.
    15. Throughout the trip many runners/hikers tended to wander off the provided trails and roads onto other roads
    16. The Tour Operator did a good job of encouraging interaction, through races, festivals, etc., between trek participants and the local population.
    17. The local population seemed to resent “our” intrusion into their home country.
    18. I feel the foreign products I brought on the trip, such as cameras, bicycles, running shoes, etc. are, or in the near future, will be in high demand by the local inhabitants of the area.
    19. I would be more than willing, on a return trip to spend a few hours planting trees, aiding local farmers (assuming they want our help) or performing som 1 2 3 4 5
    20. I have a strong desire to make a return trip to this area.
    21. I purchased Indian made goods or services valued at: _______ in Darjeeling and ________ in Delhi.
    22. Please rank from 1 (most important) to however many reasons you may have for going on the “Himalayan Run & Trek”: a. running/walking challenge ___; b. cultural experience ___, c. environmental beauty ___, d. break/vacation from my normal routine ___, e. Other reasons _____

Please describe your impression of the “Himalayan Run & Trek”: (use separate sheet if necessary) Name optional: